Sunday, August 14, 2011

Market Ruminations

Well, It's been an interesting couple of weeks, I'll say that. I think, I repeat THINK, we may be at a bottom short term. I am going to place a bet Monday that the market is going to go back up for a couple of weeks. I tried to place a bet on DDM Friday of last week but I had my stop set too close to the purchase price and got stopped out in the daily gyrations. I'll be looking for a decent entry point Monday morning and I'll put a little looser stop loss on this time. I'll keep you posted as usual as to my results. Here is my assessment for the overall situation. 
Short Term? Multi week rally perhaps bringing the S&P 500 back up to around 1200. 
Mid Term? After a short rally probably a breathtaking wave down to below 1000 on the S&P 500. Call it 900. 
Longer Term? Another multi month rally after that and then the final leg down to retest the early 2009 lows of 666. That will be the moment of truth. If you are an optimist the market will put in it's final low and then we are over the hump and a long recovery process can start taking place. If you are a pessimist ( I fall in that category ) the whole thing comes apart and we wind up with a bloodless revolution by the voters and we drive a stake into the heart of the Federal Reserve and the Banksters on Wall Street. That would mean some form of new currency and free market setting of interest rates. That is way to far off to think about but I can see it coming. I can't see anything that can be made to work under the current system. As I said last week, if we cut spending we go into recession. If we raise taxes we go into recession. If we do both we go into a depression. Ok, that's it for today.

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