Saturday, October 29, 2011

Market Ruminations

It appears the long prayed for recovery has started. I won't go into the statistics and numbers released by the Ministry of Propaganda  because I find numbers and statistics can be tortured to say anything you want them to. However charts don't lie and today I will enclose the moving average charts that tell me things have taken a turn for the better. I placed 3 bets last week based on the moving average charts. Several other charts have either passed through the moving average line or are poised to do so but to keep things simple I try to limit my bets to 3 or 4 or the major indices. 
Chart #1 is DDM 
As you can see DDM, which is a proxy for the Dow has been going up like a rocket. As long as we stay above the line I'll keep my bet active.

 Chart #2 is TBT which is an inverse of the long bond. \
As interest rates rise the price of the long bonds go down. TBT is a play on that factor. It hasn't crossed over the line yet to the upside but is close enough in doing so for government work. 

 Chart 3 is UGL 
UGL is proxy for the price of gold. Based of massive government printing of money all around the globe I'm betting gold will continue it's meteoric rise. 

Chart #4 is the summary of my progress with these three bets.  As you can see DDM is doing nicely and the other two are too new to have made any progress. As usual I'll keep you posted but from my standpoint things should look pretty good till the first of the year. Unless Europe implodes which is still very possible.

Symbol/Name Price* Change Last
Shares Price
% Change % Port Value
DDM:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Dow30
60.26 +0.23 10/28
100 53.78 10/20/2011
+12.05 33.00
TBT:US ($)
ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury
22.36 -0.47 10/28
100 22.91 10/27/2011
-2.40 12.24
UGL:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Gold
99.998 +0.0994 10/28
100 96.99 10/26/2011
+3.10 54.76
* Shows Yield for some Money Market funds.

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