Saturday, October 20, 2012

The wheels are still grinding

While the wheels are grinding this is not translating into forward progress. Nothing is moving in any clearly definable direction. Note the chart of the dollar DXY which follows. It's just bouncing around in a narrow sideways band.

DXY 13 wk
Next comes the chart of the Dow represented by DDM. Again nothing much happening although the moving average line is creeping up to meet the price point. A couple of bad days could trigger a sell signal.

DDM 13 wk
Next come the Oil and Gas chart represented by DIG. It bounced off the moving average line narrowly avoiding a sell signal. Too early to declare a reversal but at least we are safe for another week.

Dig 13 wk
Next we come to the chart of our Gold Miners represented by GDX. Again nothing much to get excited about.

GDX 13 wk
Last comes the Model Portfolio which is well into the black but is definitely trending downward. Something needs to break and give us some direction to work with.  I'm guessing nothing much is going to happen till after the election.

Symbol/Name Price* Change Last
Shares Price
% Change % Port Value
DDM:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Dow30
72.73 -2.35 10/19
100 66.00 07/07/2012
+10.20 41.91
DIG:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas
49.08 -1.57 10/19
100 41.00 07/07/2012
+19.71 28.28
GDX:US ($)
Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF
51.73 +0.21 10/19
100 44.50 07/27/2012
+16.25 29.81

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