Monday, October 1, 2012

Very Short Update

This update will be brief and to the point. I am vacationing in Ireland and have had some problems with internet access. I'll try to catch up tonight. We'll start out with our chart tracking the dollar, the DXY chart. As you can see the dollar is showing some strength. If that keeps up all bets are off and I'll have to unwind my model portfolio. We'll know more by the end of the week.

Our next chart in the model portfolio is DDM which is a proxy for the Dow. As you can see it has turned down as the dollar has gone up.

Next comes the chart of Dig which is the proxy for the oil and gas industry. It too has turned down and bears watching. 

Next comes the chart of GDX which is the proxy for the gold miners. It has turned down also as the dollar has gone up. 

Next comes TBT which is the short of US Treasuries. As the dollar has gained strength the price of treasuries has gone up which has driven the price of TBT down. I may close this one in a day or so if this one crosses the moving average line again. 

Last, but not least, is the chart of the progress of the model portfolio which is showing some signs of distress. 

Symbol/Name Price* Change Last
Shares Price
% Change % Port Value
DDM:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Dow30
74.43 +0.72 16:15
100 66.00 07/07/2012
+12.77 38.55
DIG:US ($)
ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas
49.27 +0.49 16:15
100 41.00 07/07/2012
+20.17 25.52
GDX:US ($)
Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF
53.925 +0.235 16:15
100 44.50 07/27/2012
+21.18 27.93
TBT:US ($)
ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury
15.46 -0.13 16:15
100 15.78 09/10/2012
-2.03 8.01

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