Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's Santa Claus time again

I forget the exact statistic but something like 75% of the years back to 1900 we have had a Santa Claus rally in the stock market. Based on that and a few other things such as auto sales are pretty good, homebuilding is better than it has been, the Fed is printing money 24/7 and the government has opened up the spigots wide open I have decided to place a few bets and try to catch a wave. Friday I put my first bet down on GDX. I figure we are about time for a little rally in Gold. Monday I will place another bet, probably DDM figuring the Dow will rally at least into the end of the year. Farther out I see dark clouds on the Horizon. Somewhere between 2013 and 2015 we are going to see a gut wrenching decline in the markets and possibly even some very serious economic dislocations. But that is a little farther out. Right now it's Santy Claus time. Here is the latest chart of the Model Portfolio.  Next week I'll update the fund charts to see how my theory is working.

SymbolSharesPrice PaidPriceChangeDay's Val ChgGain & % GainAnnualized GainMkt Value
GDX10048.6348.740.66 $66.00  $11.00  0.23% 82.56%$4,874.00 

$66.00  $11.00  0.23%

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