Saturday, December 8, 2012


Not much to ponder this week. My guess that the stock market would show have a little Santa Claus rally is proving to be true but my guess on gold is so far not proving to be true. The dollar seems to be showing signs of life and the only explanation I can give for that is it is the least bad currency on the planet. Every Central Bank on the planet is furiously trying to devalue their currency and so they are succeeding more than Bernanke. The first chart is of DDM which is almost at a buy signal. The second chart is of the dollar which is rising inexplicable. The last chart is of the Gold Miners which are sinking. Hopefully they will turn around. At the bottom is the model portfolio results.

DDM Chart of the Dow 13 wk

DXY Chart of the dollar 13 wk


GDX  Chart of the Gold Miners 13 wk
DDM 100 68.64 71.22 0.89 up $89.00 up $258.00 up 3.76% $7,122.00
GDX 100 48.63 45.930099 0.38 up $38.01 down $269.99 down 5.55% $4,593.01

up $127.01 down $11.99 down 0.10% $11,715.01

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