Saturday, March 16, 2013

Very brief update

As you know from my last post I took profits on DDM and wound up with a 19% gain. I felt so good about it I placed another bet on it and have picked up 2.5% so far. I'm pretty sure we are nearing a top so I plan to close DDM out if we have a good up day this coming week. I doubled down on GDX and added 200 more shares which cut my percentage loss to 8.77%. I am beginning to think the Gold Bull may be over so if I can get back to even I'll probably close that one out and switch over to shorting the market. The old
" Go Away In May " strategy is only a month away so I think I've managed to get the most out this seasonal bull run on the Dow.

DDM 100 85.04 87.16 -0.32 down $32.00 up $212.00 up 2.49%
GDX 300 40.926667 37.338 0.09 up $26.40 down $1,076.60 down 8.77%

down $5.60 down $864.60 down 4.16%


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