Saturday, June 1, 2013

I still don't have a clue

I haven't updated much the last few weeks primarily because not much has been happening and I was out of town for my wife's class reunion in Columbus Ohio. I remain clueless as to what is going on. Short term I think the liquidity that the Fed pumped into the markets is wearing down. Sometime between now and late summer we are going to have a decent sized correction in the stock market. I am pretty sure of that. This will be followed by a panic move by the Fed to print even more money to prop up the markets. It might work for awhile but the end game is in sight. Between now and 2016 life is going to get very interesting. We may well be in the early stages of the correction as my old reliable barometer JAHYX has rolled over. Chart below. JAHYX has reliably predicted every correction since 1984Assuming this holds up the stock market should be turning down into a correction.

As for the model portfolio the less said the better. I closed out my position in UBT with a small loss and all that is left is my bet on the Gold Miners and we all know where that is going. For now it's watch and wait. If the Dow or the S&P turn down and cross the moving average line we will know more about where we are. 

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