Saturday, October 5, 2013

Nothing new to add

As you know last week I dumped the old Model Portfolio and created a new one in anticipation of a market correction. I went short gold, short oil, long the oil and gas industry and long bonds. Not enough time has elapsed for any of them to establish a clear direction so I will just post the charts below and the results below that without comment. As you can see all 4 are above the moving average line but just barely. The new Model Portfolio is down $9.00 so far. I still am of the opinion gold and crude oil are going down, the stock market is going down and because of all our new oil and gas discoveries in the Bakken Field our oil and gas industry are going up. As the stock market goes down bonds, in a flight to safety, should go up. Should. We'll see.

DZZ 100 6.52 6.58 +0.0750 up $7.50 up $6.00 up 0.92% $658.00
SCO 100 29.61 29.50 -0.2800 down $28.00 down $11.00 down 0.37% $2,950.00
DIG 100 60.98 61.70 +1.0400 up $104.00 up $72.00 up 1.18% $6,170.00
UBT 100 54.86 54.10 -0.1100 down $11.00 down $76.00 down 1.39% $5,410.00

up $72.50 down $9.00 down 0.06% $15,188.00

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