Saturday, October 19, 2013

Very little to talk about

The Kabuki play put on in Washington resolved itself once again by kicking the can down the road a few more months. The Republicans did a marvelous job of falling on their swords and committing mass Hari Kari. And slowly but surely I am turning bullish. This market is in a bubble and may reach unimaginable heights in the next couple of years.That scares me a little but because I have been a good contrary indicator over the years. Every time I figure it out I find out I haven't. In any event the new Model Portfolio is all in the black but only barely. Portfolio below. 

DZZ 100 6.52 6.55 +0.06 up $6.00 up $3.00 up 0.46% $655.00
SCO 100 29.61 30.56 -0.1800 down $18.00 up $95.00 up 3.21% $3,056.00
UBT 100 54.86 55.38 +0.1300 up $13.00 up $52.00 up 0.95% $5,538.00

up $1.00 up $150.00 up 1.65% $9,249.00

I'm going to watch the coming week and if the market keeps on showing strength I may bite the bullet and go long on some things. Will keep you posted. 

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