Saturday, February 1, 2014

So far so good

A very good week with the Model Portfolio although my best guess still remains the same which is that the big correction will come in late summer or early fall. According to my best guess we should turn up in a week or less and then rally into at least spring before things turn ugly again. I could be wrong but I don't think this is the " Big One " . The Model Portfolio is posted below with comments and charts after that. I did make one more bet based on the charts and that was DZZ at 7.18. I don't have much faith in this one and will either hit a home run or get stopped out quick but I shut my brain off and followed the charts. 
The Model Portfolio:








$ +280.90$ 1,427.00 7.46%$ 20,544.00
As you can see I had a good week with my bets. The portfolio is up 7.46% but I don't have a lot of faith that this will last much more than another week before the market turns back up. Charts and comments below. 

First the chart of DZZ. DZZ is a short of the price of gold. It has turned up at the same time the chart of GDX is going up. GDX is the proxy for the Gold Miners. They should go in opposite directions which leads me to believe one of them is wrong. Time will tell.

Next is the chart of DUG. DUG is the short of the Oil and Gas industry. 
Next comes UCO. UCO tracks the price of crude oil. 
Next come DXD the short of the DOW. 
Next comes GDX the proxy for the Gold Miners.
Last comes UBT the proxy for the 10-20 year treasury. 

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