Saturday, June 7, 2014

Very brief update

As some of you know I have been in recuperation mode for the last couple of weeks. It started out as a laparoscopic gall bladder removal that went south and turned into major surgery. My rib cage looks like someone went after me with a chain saw. However alls well that ends well. I feel pretty good now and the scar is almost closed up. Another week should do the trick. Ok, on to business. First I'll post a chart of the Dow proxy DDM. Looks good, looks strong I'm going to guess has more upside ahead of it. Chart below. 

Next I'll post a chart of GDX which is the proxy for the Gold Miners stocks. Looks bad, looks weak and I'm guessing has more downside ahead of it. 

Next come the chart of the Russell 2000 which a few weeks back had rolled over to the downside but has now corrected upward and issued a buy signal. I'll probably place a bet on the RUT Monday. 

Last comes the chart of my sole remaining bet which is a bet the price of bonds will go up and yields down. UBT is posted below. 

UBT looks a little sickly and I may to have to pull the trigger on it if it crosses the line. In short I am looking for more upside in stocks, more downside in gold and I'm hoping for more upside in the price of bonds but it doesn't look to good as of Friday. Chart of the Model Portfolio below which is up 9.77% so far. 



$ -5.00$ 554.00 9.77%$ 6,223.00


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