Saturday, November 15, 2014

Modle Portfolio Update

I currently have 3 wagers placed in the Model Portfolio. The first is DZZ which is a bet the price of Gold has will go down. DZZ is currently up 1.49% since Oct 31st when I placed the bet. I am close to being stopped out on this one. Next I am betting the stock market has more upside ahead of it if for no other reason than we are entering the positive season for the stock market. Historically the market goes up from November to April. DDM is a bet the price of the Dow will go up and so far it's up 5.54% since Oct 31st. Last we have our bet the price of crude will go down. This falls under the blind pig finding an acorn category. SCO which is a short of crude oil is up a whopping 59.5% since July 30th when I place the bet. Longer term I'm guessing the Dow will remain positive till late 2015 with an upside potential of 20,000, Gold will continue to fall going down below $1000 an oz and oil has probably run it's course and will stabilize at current prices in the $70-$75 a bbl range. Total Model Portfolio gain is 14.23%.   





$ -199.50$ 2,273.00 14.32%$ 18,148.00

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