Saturday, May 28, 2016

Gold Update

As usual, all the standard disclaimers. Past performance is no guarantee of future success, beware all ye who enter the giant casino known as the stock market, etc., etc. Do as I do at your risk, all that good stuff. 
Here is what I believe to be true. Gold is going down. The dollar is going up. Gold and the dollar trade in an inverse manner. The Fed is going to raise interest rates as much as they can to help the banks and the pension funds. Capital flow on a global basis will start pouring into the US on the " least dirty shirt " basis. First the chart of GDX the gold miners ETF.

 As you can see it has broken down below the 50 day moving average line thereby issuing a sell signal. I dumped my shares of OCANF earlier this week. Next I will post a chart of DZZ which is the inverse of gold ETF fund. It has issued a buy signal.  Monday I will buy some shares of DZZ on the theory gold has further down to go. As usual any questions will be cheerfully answered.

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