Saturday, June 11, 2011


I currently have 4 funds in my portfolio. I am going to try and send a chart each weekend of one of the funds with a few comments. I'll start with the old standby first which is Janus High Yield Bond Fund. I have been in and out of JAHYX  since the mid 80's. It it probably as good a barometer of the stock market as you will find. When it is going down in price the market goes down and vice versa. It has a nice monthly dividend to go along with it's price appreciation on the upswing and it is a slow mover so it's easy to get out before things get ugly. Below is a 5 year chart which shows very nicely the long periods of time when it is below the moving average and above the moving average as well. Any questions you know how to reach me. As you can see it is looking like it is ready to move below the moving average line which means I'll probably dump it pretty soon. Jahyx is currently yielding 7.06% in the form of a monthly dividend.

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