Friday, June 10, 2011

Market Ruminations

God, how I love it when things go well. Today was one of those days. The Dow went down, Gold went down, Oil went down and the Dollar and all my short positions went up. I won't bore you with a lot of jargon talk so I'll just cut to the chase and tell you where I think we are going.
THE DOW: I think the Dow is going down and for quite awhile yet before it stops. It's too soon to declare victory and pull out so I'll stay with my positions for awhile yet. I've pulled out too soon many times in the past. I can't believe I just said that. I am short the Dow with DXD.
OIL: I think Oil will follow Gold down as long as the Dollar goes up. I am short oil with DUG.
THE DOLLAR: I think the dollar go up for 6-9 months. I am planning to go long the Dollar with UUP but not until it moves above the moving average line.
US TREASURIES: I am long US Treasuries which have had a hell of a run this last couple of months. I'm getting real antsy and thinking of pulling out before something bad happens. Geez, I did it again.
JUNK BONDS: I've been in Junk bonds off and on since 1984. I usually use JAHYX. The charts are telling me to be prepared to pull out so I many think about that over the weekend and pull the trigger Monday.
Updated Portfolio results below.  

SymbolShrsPrice PaidTradeGain/LossAnnualized GainTrade Date
DUG10030.0030.38Up $38.00 Up 1.27% Up66.61% 1-Jun-11
DXD10018.0018.61Up $61.00 Up 3.39% Up286.36% 1-Jun-11
JAHYX1007.509.17Up $167.00 Up 22.27% Up10.09% 8-May-09
UBT10077.0086.75Up $975.00 Up 12.66% Up99.52% 8-Apr-11


Up $1,241.00 Up 9.37%

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