Saturday, March 10, 2012

Market Ruminations

This will be short and sweet as there is not much going on. I remain convinced the dollar is going to rally and placed even yet another bet on UUP after getting stopped out twice before. Chart below. 
  Today   Since Purchased  
Symbol/Name Price* Change Last
Shares Price
% Change % Port Value
UUP:US ($)
PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund
22.26 +0.21 03/09
100 21.94 03/01/2012
+1.46 100.00
As the dollar rallies gold should go down, the stock market should go down and bonds should move sideways. I figure a 5-6% correction in the stock market at which time I'll dump the dollar bet and go back to the stock market with DDM. Gold will muddle around for quite awhile yet before it starts another up let. Oil depends on the war or lack of war in the middle east and between the Fed and Government pumping all the pumps they should continue to blow up the balloon till at least late summer. As usual, more to come. 

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