Saturday, December 15, 2012

Not much happened. Again

Not much happened this last week. I am pretty sure nothing will happen until the idiots in Washington resolve the so called " Fiscal Cliff " one way or the other. The Model Portfolio which I will post below shows one bet up and one bet down for a wash so far. The charts pretty much show the same so I won't even waste time posting them. For now all we can do is wait and see if Santa brings us a gift or a lump of coal in our stocking. 

DDM 100 68.64 71.06 -0.37 down $37.00 up $242.00 up 3.53%
GDX 100 48.63 46.48 0.14 up $14.00 down $215.00 down 4.42%

down $23.00 up $27.00 up 0.23%

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