Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Once again not much has happened.

It appears the clowns in Washington have finally arrived at some sort of agreement that allows them to kick the can down the road until the time comes to raise the debt limit at which time the Kabuki Theatre starts in again. Over the last couple of weeks, throughout all the Sturm and Drang, the markets have basically done nothing. A chart of DDM, the proxy for the Dow is below. 
  As you can see it's in the process of recrossing the moving average line again. The other bet I placed was with the Gold Miners which is represented by GDX. 
  Here is the chart of the model portfolio which is showing basically nothing. One bet is up, the other is down and the total of the two is minor

DDM 100 68.64 70.23 1.43 up $143.00 up $159.00 up 2.32%
GDX 100 48.63 46.39 1.46 up $146.00 down $224.00 down 4.61%

up $289.00 down $65.00 down 0.55%

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