Saturday, July 20, 2013

What If ?

While patiently waiting for the market to stop levitating I got to wondering what if I hadn't got sidetracked gambling earlier this year and stuck to my buying and selling based solely on the charts. I usually track 10 different ETF funds which gives a fair cross section of the market. As of right now 5 of the funds I track are above the moving average line. They are as follows. DDM tracks the Dow, UCO tracks the price of oil, TBT tracks the 20 year treasury note and DIG tracks the oil and gas industry, GLL tracks gold. I created a Model Portfolio based on what I should have done. I will post below the Model Portfolio and the charts will follow. I will try to update them weekly and post the profits and losses.  Any question send them to
Model Portfolio:  

GLL 100 61 95.35 Down 1.70 Down $170.00 up $3,435.00 Up 56.31% $9,535.00
TBT 100 65 73.36 Down 2.18 Down $218.00 up $835.80 Up 12.86% $7,336.00
DIG 100 56 61.91 Up 1.65 Up $165.00 up $591.00 Up 10.55% $6,191.00
UCO 100 30 37.86 Up 0.27 Up $27.00 up $786.00 Up 26.20% $3,786.00
DDM 100 72.5 100.51 Up 0.07 Up $7.00 up $2,801.00 Up 38.63% $10,051.00

Down $189.00 up $8,448.80 Up 29.70% $36,899.00
Charts below:


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