Saturday, August 3, 2013

Model Portfolio Update

Not much change this week. The Dow and the S&P continue their mindless drift upward ignoring reality every step of the way. I'm still predicting a late summer correction large enough for a trading opportunity on the short side but for now it is onward and upward. None of the funds crossed any moving average lines so no buy or sell signals were generated. Model Portfolio posted below. Total gains to date are $8472.00 and 29.78% up from $7679.00 and 26.99% last week for a gain for the week of $793.00. I won't bother posting any charts as they look virtually the same as last week.

GLL 100 61 93.28 +0.3700 up $37.00 up $3,228.00 up 52.92% $9,328.00
TBT 100 65 76.48 -1.7000 down $170.00 up $1,148.00 up 17.66% $7,648.00
DIG 100 56 60.889999 -0.600002 down $60.00 up $489.00 up 8.73% $6,089.00
UCO 100 30 36.79 -0.6200 down $62.00 up $679.00 up 22.63% $3,679.00
DDM 100 72.5 101.78 +0.4200 up $42.00 up $2,928.00 up 40.39% $10,178.00

down $213.00 up $8,472.00 up 29.78% $36,922.00

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