Saturday, September 7, 2013

Another week of watching and waiting.

I did manage to get stopped out of GDX last week with a small loss. I'm not too concerned about that in that I don't think Gold is going up a whole lot farther before it turns around and goes way, way down. The next buy signal for Gold will be 1000 or below. The remaining 3 ETF funds in the Model Portfolio are all in the green led by UCO which is up 32% and TBT which is up 24%. I'll skip the charts this week as not much has changed. 

DXD 100 34.49 34.70 Down 0.02 Down $2.00 up $21.00 Up 0.61% $3,470.00
TBT 100 65 80.63 Down 0.71 Down $71.00 up $1,563.00 Up 24.05% $8,063.00
UCO 100 30 39.61 Up 1.09 Up $109.00 up $961.00 Up 32.03% $3,961.00

Up $36.00 up $2,545.00 Up 19.65% $15,494.00

All this leads us to where are we and where are we likely to go? 

GOLD: Gold is in the middle of a short term rally before it heads south again. Mid term look for Gold below 1000. Long term it will go to unimaginable heights but that is quite a ways down the road. I will try to short gold again with GLL from the 1400 level and try to ride it all the way down to 1000 before going long again.

DOW: The Dow may or may not correct in the next 90 days but I think it may have one more run up before the " Big One ". The low was most likely put in back in 2009 at 6600 but I think below 10,000 is in the cards on the next real correction. I'm hoping to short the Dow down to 10,000 with DXD and go long after that.

OIL: Oil is probably nearing the top. I think as soon as this nonsense in Syria is over and the next recession starts oil will turn down and go as low as 30 dollars a bbl from it's current level of 115 dollars a bbl. I will start shorting oil at around with SCO 120 and try to ride it all the way down. 

In general terms we have a recession looming in the near future. By near future I mean 24 or less. After 2015 things should start to improve as a whole bunch of good things start to kick in.  

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