Sunday, November 24, 2013

Very quick update

As some of you know I have been a little under the weather this week so this will be a very brief update. I dumped UBT on Monday of this week and got out of it with a $1.00 a share loss. That's in keeping with the old theory of keep your losses small but let your profits run. That leave me with just my bet on the price of oil going down in the form of SCO. Model portfolio below.  Sco is up 16% since purchase. At this point, until the market makes a move in one direction or the other I consider it untradable. I'll stick with SCO for the time being but have no plans to place any other bets until things clear up. Right now my 17 week moving average charts are being whipsawed every few weeks and I keep getting stopped out. Looking a little out in the future I consider this market very overpriced and ripe for a correction. Farther out I can see a monster destruction of wealth either in or before 2016. Having said that I am going to sit back and watch. If anything changes I will, of course keep you posted, but until then I am strictly an observer.  



$ +25.00$ 479.00 16.18%$ 3,440.00

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