Saturday, November 16, 2013

Still driving me crazy

The highlight of my week was what they did with Bat Kid out in San Francisco. That was one of the most heartwarming things I've seen on the news in years. Kudos to the people of San Francisco. This market is still driving me crazy. As I have said before I like up markets and I like down markets. I can make money in both but a yo yo market like we are in now is frustrating. To illustrate I am posting a chart of DDM below with a 50 day moving average. As you can see it crosses and recrosses the moving average line while essentially going nowhere.

The Model Portfolio hasn't done much of anything this last couple of weeks but I'll post it anyway. The short of oil, SCO, is still doing well but my bet on the price of bonds, UBT, going up is not faring as well. Model Portfolio below.  SCO is up 17% while UBT is down 3%. I probably should have dumped UBT but I got distracted moving from the lake house to the patio house and more or less didn't pay any attention to the markets for a week. I'll ride it awhile longer and see what happens.




$ +34.00$ 345.00 4.08%$ 8,792.00

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