Saturday, January 18, 2014

It's a new year and a new outlook

As most of you know but in case you forgot back in December I had a little medical issue which put me out of commission for about 3 weeks. The short story, now that all the tests have been performed, is that I passed a gallstone. Instead of lodging in the bile duct leading out of the gallbladder it lodged further down the road at a junction where the bile duct enters the duodenum. This caused the duodenum to become inflamed along with the pancreas. By the time the stone finally passed I had an inflamed pancreas which after a couple of weeks of antibiotics finally went away. In the process I lost about 4 weeks of life and living but I now feel I'm back to normal and ready to attack the new year. My system wasn't working as well as I liked as I kept getting stopped out with small losses every time the Fed tapered or didn't taper or threatened to taper. I have shortened up my moving average and so recently I ventured back into the market. I won't bore you will the details but I will be reporting in a different manner from here out. Here is the new Model Portfolio. 






$ +132.00$ 344.00 2.14%$ 16,415.00

I don't like this format but so far it's the best I've found on the internet. I'll work on improving it this week. 
GDX = Long Gold mining shares
Dug = Short the oil and gas industry
UBT = Long Treasurys
SCO = Short the price of crude oil
These were all added January 6th with the exception of SCO which was added December 30th. Because of the more frequent ins and outs I'm going to try and create a spreadsheet type of format that lists all the trades and the dates they took place. In the meantime I think the market will do in 2014 what I thought it would do in 2013 which is go up till spring and then have a late summer/early fall correction followed by a rally up to monster highs. More to come. 

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