Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quick Update

I sold 2 of the funds in the Model Portfolio based on chart movement. I have created a running format in spreadsheet format to help you keep better keep track of my trades. This Spreadsheet will be updated as needed. Spreadsheet below.

Fund Price Paid Date Bought Price Sold Date Sold Gain/Loss Total Gain Total Loss
GDX 22.00 01/18/14

DUG 50.79 01/06/14 51.23 01/22/14 0.44 $44.00
UBT 53.50 01/06/14

SCO 34.42 12/30/13 34.45 01/22/14 0.03 $3.00

Remaining Model Portfolio below.




$ +48.02$ 287.02 3.80%

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