Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wandering In The Desert

I think I know how Moses felt after wandering in the desert for 40 years. I felt the very same way all of last year. No matter what I guessed, surmised, hunched or gambled the market did not cooperate. It went up when it should have gone down, it went up when it should have gone up and, for the most part, it just plain went up. Now, with the new year, I feel we have some volatility and some opportunity to trade. I got so excited mid week I placed a couple of more bets and turned around and went back in on one of my sales. I had sellers remorse on Dug and after my mid week posting I placed another bet at 53.50 after selling at 51.23. As it turned out it worked out well. I also added DXD at 27.98 and UCO at 29.01. That gives me a total of 5 bets placed. Model Portfolio results below. As you can see the week was good to me.







$ +375.99$ 1,102.00 5.99%

Here is my updated spreadsheet of buys and sells. 

Fund Date Bought Price Paid Date Sold Price Sold Gain/Loss Total Gain Total Loss
GDX 01/18/14 22.00

DUG 01/06/14 50.79 01/22/14 51.23 0.44 $44.00
UBT 01/06/14 53.50

SCO 12/30/13 34.42 01/22/14 34.45 0.03 $3.00
DXD 01/22/14 27.98

UCO 01/22/14 29.01

DUG 01/22/14 51.50

Whither we goest from here? That is the 64 million dollar question. Pretty much everyone agrees that 2014 was going to be the year we would have a correction after skipping last year but the vast majority felt the market would go up until spring and then have the correction in late summer/early fall which leaves the question is this just a little downward blip on the way back up to new highs or is the high in and this is the correction? Too soon to tell. Having said that I have shortened up my moving average charts and will place tight trailing stops in case things turn around quickly. My gut tells me this just a minor downturn in and ongoing bull market. If anyone has any questions I can be reached at  

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