Sunday, March 30, 2014

Not much happening

For all practical purposes the markets have moved sideways since December. 2013 will go down in the books as one of the best years in stock market history. So far this year we have gone basically nowhere. I have gotten buy signals and sell signal in the same week several times. This week I got stopped out of SCO with a small loss and placed a bet on DZZ. SCO is a bet on the price of oil going down which it didn't while DZZ is a bet on the price of gold going down which it has. At his point I'll make the same guess I did last year and that is that sometime between now and late summer we will have a 20% or better correction. In the meantime all one can do is bide time until things start to happen. Updates posted below. 

Model Portfolio




$ -41.56$ 270.44 4.29%

Stock Trades


Fund Date Bought Price Paid Date Sold Price Sold Gain/Loss Per Share Total Gain Total Loss
GDX 1/18/2014$22.003/19/2014$26.00$4.00$400.00
DUG 1/6/2014$50.791/22/2014$51.23$0.44$44.00
UBT 1/6/2014$53.502/20/2015$55.34$1.84$184.00
SCO 12/30/2013$34.421/22/2014$34.45$0.03$3.00
DXD 1/22/2014$27.982/10/2014$29.90$1.92$192.00
UBT 2/24/2014$56.043/6/2014$56.24$0.24$24.00
UBT 3/13/2014$56.69

SCO 3/12/2014$29.893/26/2014$29.56-$0.33
DXD 3/13/2014$28.443/17/2014$27.96$0.48


Total GainsTotal Losses

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