Tuesday, April 8, 2014

No direction

I still can't get any sense of direction out of this market. It turns down for a couple of days and then turns back up and makes a new high.  I went short Gold at 6.36 with DZZ and within 2 weeks got stopped out at 6.44 when it turned around and headed south. Made $8.00 on the gamble. Whoopee. I still think the way to bet is to be short this market for the next 2 years. When it will turn down is the $64 question. In any event here are the postings for the Model Portfolio followed by the list of trades YTD.



$ +72.00$ 236.00 4.16%

Fund Date Bought Price Paid Date Sold Price Sold Gain/Loss Per Share Total Gain Total Loss
GDX 1/18/2014$22.003/19/2014$26.00$4.00$400.00
DUG 1/6/2014$50.791/22/2014$51.23$0.44$44.00
UBT 1/6/2014$53.502/20/2015$55.34$1.84$184.00
SCO 12/30/2013$34.421/22/2014$34.45$0.03$3.00
DXD 1/22/2014$27.982/10/2014$29.90$1.92$192.00
UBT 2/24/2014$56.043/6/2014$56.24$0.24$24.00
UBT 3/13/2014$56.69

SCO 3/12/2014$29.893/26/2014$29.56-$0.33
DXD 3/13/2014$28.443/17/2014$27.96$0.48


Total GainsTotal Losses


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