Saturday, July 19, 2014


As most of you know I have been bearish on the market for quite some time now. I will list a few observations on where we are and you can draw your own conclusion. 
A. We have now gone 33 months without a 10% correction. Almost unheard of in the past. 
B. We have gone 1014 days without a 20% correction. Again, almost unheard of in the past. The longest on record was the 1984-1987 bull market which ran for 1127 days.
C. The average bull market runs 53 months. Currently we are in month 65 and counting. The longest on record was the 2003-2007 bull market which ran for 60 months.
All of which leads me to believe we have to be near a turning point of some sort. What the trigger will be I have no clue but I do know trees do not grow to the sky and the business cycle can be manipulated and extended but not rescinded. Between now and November we will be entering the unhappy season for the stock market which means the odds are very good we will have a correction of some sort in the next couple of months. As usual I will keep you posted.  

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