Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sittin, waitin, wishin

Sittin, waitin and wishin for some sense of direction to overtake the market. Got whipsawed again on SCO last week. I bought at 27.55 and sold the next trading day at 26.55 for a small loss of 67 cents a share. Currently I have no bets on the table so once again I am sittin, waitin and wishin for something to happen to point the way. I remain firmly convinced this latest ponzi scheme by the Federal Reserve will end badly. I remain firmly convince it will happen before the next presidential election or around that time. I remain firmly convinced it will be a substantial drawdown in the stock market with a lesser effect on the economy. However, having said all that, I always have to come back to that famous quote by John Maynard Keynes. " The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Still, I am confident we are on the cusp of a huge money making event so I patiently sit and wait and wish keeping a vigilant eye on the charts.

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