Friday, October 31, 2014

Looks like it's over

The first of the week I dumped my imaginary shorting the Dow experiment with a small loss of $20.00 on DXD. On paper I paid $25.15 and sold for $24.95. I'm guessing the correction is over and we are off to the races now. Note the chart of DXD which is the bottom of the three charts. The middle chart is DDM which is long the Dow. I added 100 shares of DDM to the Model Portfolio at the close yesterday at $125.00 a share. We'll see where that leads us. In addition to that I added 100 shares of DZZ to the Model Portfolio at $7.37 DZZ is a short of Gold which I think has more downside ahead of it. The chart of DZZ is right below.  

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