Monday, October 20, 2014

Is it over or half over?

So far the correction has worked pretty much as expected although it's a little late in coming. Now the question is whether it is over or half over. I'm going out on a limb here and saying there is more downside to come. For now I'll post the model portfolio below and await further developments.
My short of oil is up 33.81% so far.




$ -137.00$ 2,236.00 33.81%$ 8,849.00
 This is my example of the short of the Dow which I didn't place a bet on but enclose it as an example of shorting the market in a correction. Up a paltry 4.61% which leads me to believe there is more to come. As usual will keep you posted.



$ -90.00$ 116.00 4.61%$ 2,631.00

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