Friday, October 17, 2014

Quick word on shorting

The long awaited correction may or not be over but this is a perfect time to put in a quick word on shorting the market. Below is a short range chart of DXD which is the inverse of the Dow Jones. 
 As you can see the first buy signal would have come at the 25.15 level. To generate a buy or sell signal the price must cross the line and stay there the next trading day. In this case that would have been 25.15. I would sell today because I think the correction has run it's course which would be in the neighborhood of 10%. I could be wrong but no one ever went broke taking profits. Shorting portfolio with results below.  Paid 25.15 and sold at 27.21 for a pick up of 8%.



$ +13.00$ 206.00 8.19%$ 2,721.00

 Below are my current actual results for shorting oil which is the fund I chose rather than shorting the Dow.  As you can see I have picked up almost 36% so far. I have a gut feeling oil has more downside to it so I'm going to hold off selling it for now. I may regret this decision but I have enough profit built in that taking a smaller gain wouldn't be all that bad.




$ -316.00$ 2,373.00 35.88%$ 8,986.00
 As usual I will keep you posted.

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