Saturday, August 24, 2013

Yup, got whipsawed as I feared last week.

Last week I mentioned the possibility of getting whipsawed. This happens about half the time on entering a new trade to the upside. This time it was Dug that turned on me. I placed my bet at 62.08 but when it turned down Thursday I watched it closely at the open on Friday. It turned down again at the open so I dumped it at 61.70 for a small loss of 38 cents a share. It continued down the rest of the day and closed at 60.76 so I think I made the right move. Chart of DUG below. 

The other bet I placed last week was DXD. DXD is the short position of the DOW. It held it's own but just barely. I would not be surprised to get stopped out next week. Chart below. 

Next on the Model Portfolio list is GDX. GDX is the long position of the gold miners stocks. Chart below. The gold rally continues on but my gut tells me this is not the start of a new bull market in gold but a rally in an ongoing bear market. However up is good.

Next on the agenda it TBT the short of US Treasuries. Chart below. Not much to say on this one as the flight from bonds continues. As the price of Treasuries drops TBT goes up.

Last we have the chart of UCO which is the long position for the price of oil. Oil may be in a topping mode just looking at the chart. 

Here is the performance chart of the Model Portfolio.

DXD 100 34.49 34.41 -0.2000 down $20.00 down $8.00 down 0.23% $3,441.00
GDX 100 28.7 30.14 +0.7700 up $77.00 up $144.00 up 5.02% $3,014.00
TBT 100 65 79.37 -1.86 down $186.00 up $1,437.00 up 22.11% $7,937.00
UCO 100 30 37.08 +0.8100 up $81.00 up $708.00 up 23.60% $3,708.00

down $48.00 up $2,281.00 up 14.42% $18,100.00

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