Saturday, August 9, 2014

Not much going on

Not much going on and what is going on just adds more confusion. After a promising decline in the markets a late week rally wiped out almost all the losses and pretty much put us back to square one. My bet on the price of crude oil going down is doing well but my bet on the price of the Dow going down is back to where I bought it. Depending on what happens early next week I may have to exit DXD with a small loss. Model Portfolio is below. 




$ -60.00$ 180.00 3.42%$ 5,440.00
As you can see my short of oil is up almost 7% but my short of the Dow is down $1.00. For lack of anything interesting going on in the great Stock Casino I'll venture off into a short political diatribe. In my wanderings through our society I try, as often as I can, to feel people out on their likely voting leanings with an eye toward the mid term elections coming up this November. It has puzzled me for years that while Congress has the lowest approval rating in history, some 14% as of the latest polls, they have a 92% re election rate. How can this be? I would think the tendency would be to throw the bums out. Cutting to the chase this is what my research is showing. Time after time the response I get is that while they don't like what their Congressman is doing they don't like his opponent in the race either so they vote for the guy currently in office. In short nothing will ever change because no one will ever vote anyone out of office. My personal opinion is that Congress would be more responsive to the voters back home if they thought there was a credible chance of being voted out of office but apparently the Devil they know trumps the Devil they don't know in the voting booth. Sigh!

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